児玉北斗は、京都を拠点として活動するダンサー/コレオグラファーである。日本でバレエ一家に生まれ、北米やヨーロッパでダンサーとして活動してきた自身の経歴をバックグラウンドに、近代的主体の政治性とコレオグラフィーの連関について当事者的な問題意識を持ち続けている。2017年3月、トーキョーワンダーサイト本郷にて初の単独公演としてソロ作品『Trace(s)』、同年7月には、大植真太郎(C/Ompany)と共作で『inspiration/delusion of SWAN LAKE』を発表した。ストックホルム芸術大学コレオグラフィー修士課程(DOCH)修了制作として2018年5月に3作目のソロ作品『Untitled (I speak, I lie, I admit)』を発表。現在は芸術文化観光専門職大学(兵庫県豊岡市)の講師として教育に携わりつつ、立命館大学大学院に在籍し研究をおこなうなど、ダンスをめぐる多角的な活動を展開している。2020年12月、THEATRE E9 KYOTOにて、新作『Pure Core』を発表。
Hokuto Kodama is a dancer/choreographer based in Kyoto. Negotiaing with his own background as a classical dancer born in a ballet family in Japan, his work operates along the discourses of modernity, politics of the body and subjectivity in relation to choreography as an act of negotiation between the bodies. Based on his interest in discursive formation of body image, he has presented his first full length solo work Trace(s) at the Institute of Contemporary Art Tokyo in March 2017. And in July the same year, he successively presented his second solo work inspiration/delusion of SWAN LAKE in collaboration with Shintaro O-ue (C/Ompany). Hokuto holds MFA in Choreography from the University of Arts Stockholm(DOCH), and the third solo work of the trilogy Untitled (I speak, I lie, I admit) was premiered in May 2018, as a part of his master thesis. He is currently a Lecturer at Processional College of Arts and Tourism, and a doctoral student at Ritsumeikan University.
His latest work Pure Core has premiered in December 2020.