Full Biography // Hokuto Kodama
幼少より両親のもとでバレエを始め、2000年に青山学院高等部を卒業後、ヴァルナ国際コンクールにてジュニア二位銀賞、サンフランシスコバレエスクールに留学。翌年よりアルバータバレエ(カナダ 2001-2004)、レ・グランバレエ・カナディアン(ファースト・ソリスト、カナダ 2004-2008)、ヨーテボリオペラ・ダンスカンパニー(スウェーデン 2008-2012)に所属。2012年ヨーテボリオペラの年間ダンサー賞受賞、同年よりスウェーデン王立バレエ団にファースト・ソリストとして移籍し2018年まで活動した。Wim Vandekeybus, Mats Ek, Johan Inger, Alexander Ekmanなどの新作の創作に参加、初演キャストを務めるほか、Ohad Naharin, Sasha Waltz, Crystal Pite, Sharon Eyalなどのレパートリーでも活躍。2014年ストックホルムでのノーベル賞晩餐会では、スウェーデン王立バレエ代表としてデュエットを踊り、その模様は全世界で放映された。2013年JAPON dance projectの立ち上げに参加、2014年と2016年に新国立劇場の主催による公演を行い、振付・出演しつつ作曲なども担当。2015年、韓国Asia Culture Centerでの梅田宏明「Constancy over Consistency」ではアシスタントコレオグラファーを務めるなど、ダンスのクリエーションに於ける様々な局面でその才能を発揮している。
振付家としては2017年3月、トーキョーワンダーサイト本郷にて初の単独公演としてソロ作品「Trace(s)」、同年7月には、大植真太郎(C/Ompany)と共作で「inspiration/delusion of SWAN LAKE」を発表。2018年、「Untitled (I speak, I lie, I admit)」を修了制作として発表し、ストックホルム芸術大学ダンス・サーカス部門(DOCH)修士課程コレオグラフィー修了。梅田宏明主催Somatic Field Project振付家ワークショップや平原慎太郎主催OrganWorks振付家育成講座「Terra.Co」などで振り付けに関する講師も務めている。
2020年12月、照明デザイナー藤本隆行、作曲家平野みどりとのコラボレーションによる最新作『Pure Core』を京都にて発表した。
Hokuto Kodama is a dancer/choreographer based in Kyoto. Negotiaing with his own background as a classical dancer born in a ballet family in Japan, his work operates along the discourses of modernity, body politics and subjectivity in relation to choreography as a disciplinary practice. Hokuto holds MFA in Choreography from the University of Arts, Stockholm(DOCH).
Born in Tokyo under the parents who were also professional ballet dancers, Hokuto started his ballet training at age of 4. After winning numerous ballet competitions in Japan, he has won the second prize at prestigious Varna International Ballet Competition in 2000. He has continued his classical ballet training at the San Francisco Ballet School, prior to his professional career at the Alberta Ballet(2001-2004), Les Grands Ballets Canadiens de Montreal (First Soloist 2004-2008), Goteborgsoperans Dancekompani (2008-2012). In 2011 he received Mary von Sydows award for his achievement, and in 2012, he was awarded as the dancer of the year at the GoteborgsOperan. Hokuto moved to Stockholm to join the Royal Swedish Ballet in 2012 as a First Soloist, where he is currently on leave of absence.
Hokuto has taken a part of creations by choreographers such as Wim Vendekeybus, Mats Ek, Johan Inger, Alexander Ekman, and also danced in repertoire by Ohad Naharin, Sasha Waltz, Crystal Pite, Sharon Eyal to name a few. In 2014, he has danced in Nobel Banquet representing the Royal Swedish Ballet, which was broadcasted worldwide. In 2013, he has started JAPON dance project with some of his colleagues, and took a part of the group until 2016. The group was commissioned full-length productions by the New National Theatre Tokyo in 2014 and 2016, in which he has choreographed, performed, and also created music for the work. He has also worked as an assistant choreographer for Hiroaki Umeda, lighting designer for Jerome Marchand, sound designer for Naoya Aoki, extending his field of artistic practice into broad aspects of dance creation.
Based on his interest in discursive formation of body image, he has presented his first full length solo work Trace(s) at the Institute of Contemporary Art Tokyo in March 2017. And in July the same year, he successively presented his second solo work inspiration/delusion of SWAN LAKE in collaboration with Shintaro O-ue (C/Ompany). In May 2018, he has premiered Untitled (I speak, I lie, I admit) as a part of his master thesis, and received an MFA in Choreography from University of the Arts Stockholm (DOCH). His latest work Pure Core has premiered in Dec. 2020.
Hokuto is currently a lecturer at Professional College of Arts an Tourism, and a doctoral student at the Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences at the Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto.